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Director of Library Services

Profile Photo
Karl Stutzman
3003 Benham Ave
Elkhart, IN 46517

Resource Access Librarian

Profile Photo
Kajsa Herrstrom
3003 Benham Ave
Elkhart, IN 46517

Accessibility Service Policy

AMBS Library strives to provide equal access to library resources to all AMBS students and employees, regardless of ability.

Our goal is to allow self service for persons with a disability where possible. However, we understand that special services may be necessary to make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. Some services may require advance notice to ensure the availability of staff. Persons should identify their disability when requesting assistance in case the disability is not obvious to staff.

Questions, comments, and complaints regarding library accessibility should be directed to the Director of Library Services.

Library Building

The library is situated on a single floor, which is level with the outside entrance.  Accessible parking is available near the library entrance. The library building is equipped with automatic doors and accessible restrooms. Library seating and office areas as well as some library collections are accessible.


AMBS students are expected to purchase their own copies of required textbooks. 

  • If textbooks are commercially available in an accessible format, students should purchase the textbook in that format.
  • If textbooks are not commercially available in an accessible format, it may be considered fair use to convert the text into an accessible format. In this case, students should purchase their own copy of the non-accessible textbook and use their own adaptive technology to make the text accessible.

Research Assistance

Library staff, by appointment, can provide research consultations using library catalogs and databases.

Library staff can also provide retrieval of library resources upon request during normal library hours.

With adequate advance notice, the library provides digitization services of library resources for research purposes, as permitted by copyright law and staff availability.

Library Interfaces

The library website, AMBS WorldCat and EBSCO databases are designed to meet principles of accessible web design for screen readers. Library staff welcome feedback about accessibility problems in any library interface and will do their best to fix problems.

The library will provide closed captioning for video content where possible. Gaps in closed captioning for video content should be reported to the Director of Library Services.

Adaptive Technology

AMBS has a personal listening device available for checkout in the library for persons with hearing impairment.

AMBS library has a scanner with optical character recognition to make texts accessible to persons with vision impairment.

We recommend that students contact the state of Indiana Protection and Advocacy Services for assistance securing appropriate adaptive technology.

Request Accommodation

To request accommodations, please contact the Director of Library Services.