This video tutorial demonstrates searching by scripture text.
Click Atlas Plus to begin scripture text searching now.
Video Transcript:
00:00:03.720 --> 00:00:04.760
Karl Stutzman: Hello!
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Karl Stutzman: Welcome to the Ambs library homepage.
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Karl Stutzman: Today we are going to look at how to search for Scripture texts in the Atlas plus database.
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Karl Stutzman: So our library homepage is
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Karl Stutzman: Over here on the right hand side, in the middle we have an icon and link to databases. So we're going to go ahead and click there
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Karl Stutzman: and then you see the option here to go to Atlas plus by Atla.
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Karl Stutzman: I'm gonna go ahead and click in there
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Karl Stutzman: at this point, if you are not already logged in, the system will prompt you to enter your barcode and password or your Ambs email.
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Karl Stutzman: So you'll want to do that to log in before getting to this page.
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Karl Stutzman: Over on the left hand side, under links. You'll see this option for the Atlas Scripture search
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Karl Stutzman: and then click there.
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Karl Stutzman: And now we have a option to either search for terms in the Atlas Scripture search, or, what works better is to actually go down and see the list of books in the Bible in canonical order.
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Karl Stutzman: and we're going to click through until we find the book of the Bible that we're after.
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Karl Stutzman: Today. We're searching for articles on Galatians Chapter 5, verse 25. So we see Galatians here. We're going to expand.
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Karl Stutzman: We're gonna go to Chapter 5.
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Karl Stutzman: Then we're going to go and select verse 25.
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Karl Stutzman: And now we have. We go back up and we say, add to search.
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Karl Stutzman: So now we've constructed a search for Galatians 5, 25,
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Karl Stutzman: and we can also add other terms to the search.
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Karl Stutzman: this verse is obviously about the spirit. We could search for things on the spirit. What we're going to do is actually just go ahead and click, search
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Karl Stutzman: and what we get back
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Karl Stutzman: when the results appear, is a list of articles that have to do with this text that have been tagged with this text. And we're seeing that you know, some of them are in English. Some of them are in Korean. We can go here to show more results.
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Karl Stutzman: and we may want to actually only look at the ones that have full text Pdfs.
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Karl Stutzman: or we may only want to look at the ones that are in English, etc. So the way that we do that is, we go up here to all filters.
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Karl Stutzman: and we choose. We want full text.
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Karl Stutzman: We want them in English, and we're going to hit, apply.
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Karl Stutzman: And so now we only see the full text English language articles.
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Karl Stutzman: and we can see here what journal they appear in who the author is when they were published, and those things give us clues as to the relevance of the resource to our
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Karl Stutzman: topic and project.
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Karl Stutzman: So, yeah, this is just a quick view of what it means to search the Scriptures in the Atla database feel free to reach out to our librarians. If you have any questions. Thank you.