This series, published by the Institute of Mennonite Studies, sought to "make available significant resource materials for classroom use," prioritizing "Mennonite writings and the needs of Mennonite seminary classrooms."
Contents: Anabaptist hermeneutics: presuppositions, principles and practice / Walter Klaassen -- The hermeneutics of the Anabaptists / John H. Yoder -- Hermeneutics and discipleship / C.J. Dyck -- The hermeneutics of obedience / Ben C. Ollenburger -- Menno Simon's encounter with the Bible / Henry Poettcker -- Anabaptist hermeneutics: the letter and the spirit / William Klassen -- The relation of the old and new covenants in Pilgram Marpeck's theology / William Klassen -- The Bern debate of 1538: Christ the center of scripture / Walter Klaassen -- The pre-eminence of the Bible in Mennonite history / Frits Kuiper -- American Mennonites and the Bible / Norman Kraus -- Reflections on biblical hermeneutics / Millard Lind -- Canon: creative biblicism as a hermeneutical principle / Jacob J. Enz -- Modes of appropriating the Bible / Waldemar Janzen -- Journey to Emmaus: as tudy in critical methodology / George Brunk III -- Criticism and analogy in historical-critical interpretation / Marlin E. Miller -- Beyond the historical-critical method / Willard M. Swartley -- The authority of the canon / John H. Yoder -- Teaching the Bible in the congregation / Ross T. Bender -- Teaching the BIble in the congregation / Richard C. Detweiler -- Preaching the Bible in the congregation / Erland Waltner -- Continuity and change in Anabaptist-Mennonite biblical interpretation / Willard M. Swartley -- Bibliography of literature.
Contents: Biblical and systematic theology in interaction : a case study on atonement / Thomas Finger -- Biblical theology and normativity / Elmer A. Martens -- Biblical and systematic theology as functional specialties : their distinction and relation / A. James Reimer -- Critical theology and the Bible : a response to A. James Reimer / Gordon D. Kaufman -- Biblical theology and feminist interpretation : a dinosaur at the freedom march? / Mary H. Schertz -- Theology in transition : toward a confessional paradigm for theology / Howard John Loewen -- Biblical and systematic theology : constructing a relation / Ben C. Ollenburger.
Contents: Beyond polygenesis: recovering the unity and diversity of Anabaptist theology / Arnold Snyder -- Community as conversation: a new model of Anabaptist hermeneutics / John D. Roth -- The inner and outer word / Wilhelm Wiswedel -- Balthasar Hubmaier, Catholic Anabaptist / James Wm. McClendon, Jr. -- The baptismal theology of Balthasar Hubmaier / H. Wayne Pipkin -- The life of the spirit in Anabaptism / C.J. Dyck -- The Holy Spirit and discipleship in Pilgram Marpeck's theology / Neal Blough -- The doctrine of original sin as held by the Anabaptists of the sixteenth century / Robert Friedmann -- The meaning of sin in the theology of Menno Simons / Richard Weingart -- The new creature: Menno Simons' understanding of the Christian faith / William M. Stoesz -- The ecclesiological focus of Dirk Philips' hermeneutical thought in 1559: a contextual study / Douglas H. Shantz -- The Anabaptist theology of martyrdom / Ethelbert Stauffer.
Contents: Recovering, rethinking, and re-imagining: issues in a Mennonite theology for Christian ministry / John A. Esau -- Helping dreams come true: towards wholeness-articulating the vision / Erick Sawatzky -- Ministerial status and the theology of ministry / Rodney J. Sawatsky -- Inner call/inner ambivalence: conflicting messages in a fragile conversation / Renee Sauder -- Some reflections on pastoral ministry and pastoral education / Marlin E. Miller -- The mutuality of ministry: a dialogue with Mark / Lydia Neufeld Harder -- Clarifying the pastoral role "on the fly": the praxis of pastoral ministry / Duane Beck -- Re-institutionalizing the pastorate: a proposal for attracting more able candidates to pastoral ministry in two Mennonite denominations / Ardean L. Goertzen -- An emerging theology of ministry: incarnational presence / Marcus Smucker -- The credibility of leadership / George R. Brunk III.