Atlas for Alum is a database of full text articles from over 400 theological and ministry journals.
AMBS alumni (completed at least 12 credit hours) may request a username and password from the AMBS librarians. Use "Ask a Librarian" to send an email request.
After clicking the Atlas for Alum link, ignore the "find your institution" box.
1. Enter the user name you received by email
2. Click continue
A password field will appear under the username.
3. Enter the password you received
4. Click "Sign in"
You should now be able to search the Atlas for Alum database!
Create a journal or topic alert. This library guide has instructions for creating a personal EBSCO account and setting up alerts that will send an email message when new content is added to the database.
Search by Scripture text. This library guide has instructions for searching the Atlas collection by book, chapter, and verse of the Bible.
Titles from the Anabaptist/Mennonite tradition are in bold.