Every Christian denomination has a classification number in the 280's. Additional numbers indicated more precise topics. For example:
284.3 Anabaptists
284.3092 Biographies of Anabaptists
284.30943 Anabaptists in Germany
284.309492 Anabaptists in the Netherlands
289.7 Mennonites
289.7092 Biographies of Mennonites
289.70943 Mennonites in Germany
The denominational numbers for Anabaptists (43) and Mennonites (97) can be added to specific topics to indicate an Anabaptist or Mennonite perspective. For example:
230.43 Theology from an Anabaptist perspective
230.97 Theology from a Mennonite perspective
238.43 Anabaptist confessions of faith
238.97 Mennonite confessions of faith
266.43 Anabaptism and mission
266.97 Mennonites and mission