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Theological Turabian Citation Guide


Each of the links on this guide will take you to the Chicago Manual of Style, which will give you several examples for how to cite that item.

Citation Guidance for Scripture

Number OneScripture is so important that all citation styles treat it in a special way! You'll use a footnote to indicate which version of the Bible you're using. You'll also want to use the correct abbreviation for each book. Old Testament. New Testament.


Number TwoStudy Bible notes are not cited like Scripture, even though they appear in your Bible. For study Bibles with multiple contributors, make sure you figure out the contributor for the section you are citing. In the HarperCollins Study Bible, for example, Ronald Hendel is the author of the Genesis section. You can tell this by the small print at the end of the introduction listing the contributor's name. If you are citing the introduction or notes to Genesis, you would do it with footnotes and bibliography entries as follows:

Note: Ronald Hendel, "Genesis," in HarperCollins Study Bible, edited by Harold W. Attridge and Wayne A. Meeks (New York: HarperOne, 2006), 4.

Shortened Note: Hendel, 4.

Bibliography: Hendel, Ronald. "Genesis." In HarperCollins Study Bible, edited by Harold W. Attridge and Wayne A. Meeks, 3-82 . New York: HarperOne, 2006.

SBL Handbook of Style

For advanced citations of scripture, you may want to refer to the SBL Manual or this guide created by Goshen College.